Private Instruction Sit down with your guide and work out what you want to do, what your aims are and where you'll go! Private instruction can offer you a fast, streamlined why to achieve your goals. Whether it is a specific mountain goal or simply get out with a tight group of friends. We work […]
Aoraki – Mt Cook Height : 3756m Average Climbing Time : 17 hours from Plateau Hut Crux : The Summit Rocks Allow 6 days for variable weather.
In October of 2011 after successfully summitting Manaslu with Ben West, Sidi Mama and Pemba Sherpa, Mal Haskins attempted to speedfly from below Camp 3.
The Alpine Guides Technical Mountaineering Course (TMC) is an intensive introduction to alpine climbing in glaciated terrain. Spanning 9 days the TMC will kick-start your mountaineering exploits. Your Introduction to Technical Alpine Climbing The TMC provides a solid grounding in all alpine mountaineering skills. Previous alpine (snow & ice) climbing experience is not required. You […]