Lean deeper into understanding the avalanche forecast, planning trips, moving through terrain and staying safe in the backcountry.

Take your touring to the next level with this 4 day course 

Based from WANAKA with a mix of theory and direct practical application of snowpack tests - applying the avalanche forecast to the terrain and getting expert tips on improving your touring hard skills 

Our guides are fully qualified IFMGA guides and regional avalanche forecasters.

Cse dates 
19th to 22nd July 
23rd to 26th August
6th to 9th September 

$1150 / person ratio 1:4
$950 / person ratio 1:6

For further details visit link in bio or message 


#avalanche #courses #skitouring #splitboarding #winter #newzraland
First day back for speed riding season in the TC backcountry. Spicy cross / down slope take off to make it interesting

#speedriding #speedflying #winter #newzealand #speed #snow #flying #proximity #fun
It’s been super busy getting ready for the NZ winter. 

We’re currently just on the tail end of a great storm and looking forward to getting out amongst it.

Lots of exciting things happening this winter kicking off with Avalanche Courses this weekend the 6th of July 

Check the link in the bio! ☝️ 

#avalanche #education #nz #winter #avalanchecourse #skiing #boarding #skitouring #splitboarding #snow #pow #earnyourturns #wanaka
### Avalanche Courses: Key Points

We run ASC1 and ASC2 courses which are focused on recreational backcountry users. 

1. **Using the Avalanche Advisory**
 - Understand how to access and interpret daily avalanche bulletins.
 - Learn to use forecast information to plan your trips safely.

2. **Learning to Use Terrain**
 - Identify and choose safe travel routes in avalanche-prone areas.
•	Gain skills for moving safely in avalanche terrain.
	•	Practice group travel techniques to minimize risk.

3. **Identifying Avalanche Problems**
 - Understand different types of avalanche problems (e.g., wind slab, persistent slab).
 - Learn to recognize signs of instability in the snowpack.

4. **Traveling Through Avalanche Terrain**

5. **Understanding the Snow Pack**
 - Learn about snow layers and how they contribute to avalanche risk.
 - Gain knowledge of snowpack assessment techniques.

6. **Rescue Techniques and Equipment**
 - Master the use of avalanche transceivers, probes, and shovels.
 - Practice efficient rescue scenarios and techniques.


#winter #nz # newzealand #skiing #skitouring # backcountry #avalanche
 #AvalancheAdvisory #ForecastToStaySafe #AvalancheBulletin

#TerrainSafety #SafeRoutes #MountainTerrainSkills

#AvalancheProblems #SnowStability #IdentifyRisk

 #TravelSafe #AvalancheTerrain #GroupTravelSafety

#SnowPackKnowledge #SnowLayers #SnowScience

#AvalancheRescue #RescueSkills #SafetyEquipment
Transitioning from one medium to another ❤️ 🪂

Just home from Japan and into the sky. @magicland_adventuresportsfest is kicking off and we’ve out having fun at Aoraki / Mt Cook National Park with a Speedflying Boogie.

Huge shout out to @mtcookskiplanesandhelis for being super keen to run lifts for the event and all the enthusiasm and safe flying from the @magicland_adventuresportsfest crew.

Also such an amazing time running a team off Mt Catriana down to the Tasman valley 

#speedfly #speedflying #paragliding 
#helicooters #mtcook #aoraki #newzealand #nz #autumn #descent #flying #proximity #footlaunch #mountains #gliding #festival 

@thecanopycoach @danpugs @magicland_adventuresportsfest
The last few days have been epic - sniffing out the goods around the region as we move into Spring season here in Japan 

If you’ve been over here this or last season - what are some of the best lines you’ve ridden ?

Next season isn’t all that far away and we get fully booked out pretty early. Getting touch if you’d like to come out and explore some of the best touring and split boarding terrain in Hokkaido 

#japan #japow #hokkaido
#niseko #kiroro #skitouring 
#backcounty #powder #lines
#winter #lovetouring #loveskiing
#lovebiarding #avalanche #avalanchesafety
#skilines #notracks #keepitsafe 

Suns out Sunday at @kirororesort !  Winter was back and the snows been a blast.  We’ve had between 30-50 cm at Kiroro in the last few days and there’s still plenty of pow to be found. 

Get out amongst it. Love snow / Love skiing 

#kiroro #kirororesort 
#pow #powdersnowboarding 
#shred  #powlaps #winter 
#backcountry ##skitouring 
#splitboarding #japan #japow
#hokkaido #loveskiing #loveboarding 

Getting outside and having fun is one of the best ways to put a smile on your dial!

Ski Touring here in Japan is simply the best way to crank up those smiles and chase away the lack of Japow Blues.

#japan #japow
#winter #skitouring 
#backcountry #touring
#hokkaido #avalanche
#guiding #avalanchesafety
#staysafe #photography
#skilines #notracks 
