Its been a few days now since we actually crossed the Drake passage on our way down to the Antarctic Peninsula but its been so busy I’ve not had time to send any updates.

The drake was actually very benign as we sailed down – it was only a 2-3 m swell with a following wind – it wasn’t until we passed the Shetland Islands and into the Bransfield Straight that we had any significant sea effects – a stiff NE wind increased the wave size and our roll increased – aided by the list to starboard due to the wind – a few passengers felt the effects but seasickness medication stopped the worst of it.

The drake passage transits are always busy with lectures / prep for the passengers and IAATO regulations for shore visits. The passenger excitment builds and to a degree the anxiety of waits ahead can create a bit of tension – however after the first landings on the peninsula all the tension evaporates as the passengers finally get to understand what everything is really about.